「B, I know the outcome of the presidential election is not what we wanted. And I know you gave so much of yourself to this fight. As I said on Wednesday: The light of America’s promise will always burn bright —as long as we never give up, and as long as we keep fighting……Every Democrat we elect this year is one more check on Donald Trump’s power, and one more building block for the America we believe in. That is why I am asking you to support the Harris Fight Fund.」請你捐出十蚊、一百蚊……
這當然是bulk email。原文照錄,好讓大家切身感受,那種技巧但又詞窮的寒酸。怎樣化妝,也掩飾不到選舉崩盤後的沮喪絕望……卻也還得繼續—於是自己掩飾,說希望在未來,邊度跌低就邊度起身!自己呃自己說,民主是偉大的,信者得救!繼續捐款支持絕不放棄—終會有翻天的一日!
「This is not a time to throw up our hands. This is a time to roll up our sleeves. This is a time to organize, to mobilize and to stay engaged for the sake of freedom and justice and the future that we all know we can build together.」排句偶句,文字堆砌令情緒高漲,rhetoric and hyperboles,全世界政府的伎倆。